It would be an Honor

This past Monday, I met with Dr. Lisa Tolbert who is the liaison for the Honors College in the History Department and she was very excited about my interest in the program. Her interests align with mine in the areas of southern history and historic preservation so I was looking forward to meeting her. I shared a few potential topics with her and she liked what I had to say. I am wanting to research the role of slaves in building cities of the southern U.S. She was able to point me to several sources of new information I was not aware of. The ones I find most interesting and relevent are Southern Built: American Architecture, Regional Practice and Crafting Lives: African American Artisans in New Bern, North Carolina, 1770-1900. Both are written by Catherine W. Bishir, who is well known in the field and can boast an impressive resume.

We also discussed what I would need to do in order to graduate with Disciplinary Honors. I would need twelve credit hours in classed designated at Honors classes. Two of these classes can be contract classes which are regular history classes but at the outset of the class I would meet with the teacher and let them know I’m in the Honors program and some extra work would be assigned in order to receive the Honors credit. The last two classes I would need to take are related to my Honors research and project. Dr. Tolbert mentioned Jo Leimenstoll who is a professor at UNC-G specializing in architecture and historic preservation. She teaches a few classes related to those topics and I am hoping to make one of them a contract course. For my other contract course I have emailed Watson Jennison, my professor who taught Race and Slavery last semester about potentially doing an Honors Independent Study class focusing on slave labor or something along those lines. From the information learned in those classes I would then be able to narrow my research topic in the first of my Honors project classes where I do further readings and formulate my thesis. The final course is the actual writing of the paper which has to be roughly 30-50 pages.

I applied to the Lloyd International Honors College today and should have a response next week and I am awaiting a reply from Professor Jennison, as well. I am sure I’ll write a post once I’ve heard and after I’ve met with Dr. Tolbert again.

Last Day of Freedom

Today marks the last day of no classes. The last day of no worries, no stress, no deadlines, no papers. As I sit at my desk looking over syllabi and jotting down due dates and reading assignments, I am overwhelmed but a fair bit of excitement has come over me as well. Excitement because I know I can accomplish the on-coming challenges and finish the semester knowing I gave it everything I had. Excitement for everything new I’ll learn and understand. Excitement knowing that I’m one step closer on this journey. I am looking forward to my involvement with the Geography Club which I was elected an office in October 2016 and my hopeful enrollment in the Lloyd International Honors College. I’ve been bouncing ideas off of friends for a research project in the Honors College but within the next few weeks I should be meeting with Dr. Tolbert, the liaison to the Honors program in the History Department. With potentially three more semesters at UNC-G, it won’t be long until I’m applying to graduate school and packing up and moving somewhere else. To where exactly, I won’t know for another year or so but I have a few schools I’d like to end up in mind. But that’s a post for another day. I’ll just leave all of you, my readers, sitting on the edge of your seat, racking your brain wondering where. Until next time!

Books Galore

img_0944I was able to run over to UNC-G today with my good friend and historian, Arley Ward who also happens to be an alumnus of the school. We walked around campus and discussed each other’s academic careers. I am grateful for the ride as well as all the tips, tricks, and advice.

Spring 2017 Schedule

HIS 221 – Medieval Legacy

HIS 369 – History of Spain

GEO 305 – Environmental Hazards Assessment

GEO 359 – Remote Sensing of the Environment


I do have two more weeks until classes start but I’m ready to get back. I have enjoyed my break but there’s something about being in class and surrounded by fellow academics that is enlightening.

School Update Version 4.0


I finished my first semester at UNC-G with straight As. I’m all registered for next semester and cannot wait for it to begin. Although, I am enjoying my break this holiday season. It has been filled with friends, family, lots of reading, and a few rounds of golf. I am hoping to apply to the Lloyd International Honors College at UNC-G and graduate with disciplinary honors in History. I’ll post more about that towards the end of this month when I meet with Dr. Lisa Tolbert, who is the liaison for the Honors College. I hope the few readers who find their way to this page had a wonderful holiday and have a great year!